"Battle of the wits" or "Battle between hearts"?  

Posted by * Living Our 2 Centz *

Life has its consequences and circumstances and sometimes even has it's gifts. But if life does not reap the fruits of what you have just sowed, doesn't mean you throw your life away. All you need to do is take some time to nourish it, give it a little sunshine, understand one another and things will turn out the way you want it to be. Do not let obstacles get in your way to converse with the opposite party. Then again, do not let egoism and boastfulness take charge of the conversation. It ain't about smooth talking or getting all tensed finding the right words to complete your sentence. It is about getting words right so that the opposite party would not feel the urge to retaliate against you. Better to be a "witty fool" than a "foolish wit". Get it?

So comes relationship in life. Heart to heart talks take place. Why let the past ruin the present? In relationships, I understand that there are no rules and boundaries but still there has to be a full-stop to what you are doing (E.g, lies, tell-tales, and so it goes). It is not lies that brings you together, nor is it tell-tales which keeps you together. Shit might get you to the top, but it may not keep you there forever. Be happy with what you get and cherish every moment as if the sky was about to fall. Mistakes only happens once, same mistakes doesn't count as a new one. Mishaps may happen, but never let disaster take place. Yes, you're a human...you're not perfect... I understand that, but you have to know that lives are at stake. There are no second chances to what has happened. Forgiveness is one thing, correcting and solving the problem is another. Which one comes first? Both! When arguments brews up, its not about telling the opposite party on what he/she has done wrong, or what he/she did in the past, or what he/she can't do! Arguments are to mend the broken pieces of the heart together and to set things straight even if it seems curved. Think before conversing, otherwise more damage will be done. Its more like adding oil into the raging fire.

You think you have the wits to take this challenge, or the heart to take on this relationship?

Do not let wits take place, let the heart do the talking.


If there is anything I stated that was wrong, please correct me. I'm still a learning human.

坚持 - 检讨 - 胜利!  

Posted by * Living Our 2 Centz *


坚持 - 是要坚持你喜爱做的事情,坚持要发展的方面,坚持你的梦想。如果一开始就少了坚持,根本就不能再走下去。不要让任何困难阻扰自己的坚持,不要让任何人说败 你坚持的事情,不要给借口说服你的坚持。我曾听过…想做的事,只要觉得是对的,就坚持去做。如果你被阻扰、被说服,就代表你的坚持不够坚定、你的热情不够 热诚、你的喜爱不够喜欢。只要坚持,才能勇敢的往前走。

检讨 - 是要检讨你做的事情是否用了正确的方式去做,检讨你是否用尽能力的做,和检讨你做错的步骤。如果你不检讨,就永远不会进步。只有犯错,才能改过。就像婴儿 学走路,只有曾经跌倒,才能学会用双手扶住,学会平衡走路。人不检讨,永远只会原地踏步。只有检讨,才能帮助你把错改成对,向前迈步。

胜利 - 是融合了坚持与检讨。因为人,永远要经过滔滔不绝的挑战和失败,最后才能胜利。胜利并不代表赢,是代表达成自己的梦想。如果你不够坚持,你不要检讨,永远 都不会得到胜利。俗语说,失败乃成功之母…失败数次之后,只要还在努力,你就会有机会尝到胜利的味道。那是骄傲,与荣耀结合的时候。代表着,你一切的努力 都是值得你那一杀那的心情。

很多人,都未曾尝过那种味道。只因为他们不够坚持,也不去检讨。这不是一天一夜能做到的事情,而是人长时间对一切的锻炼。就像读书,工作…如果学生 不坚持,他们就退学;如果学生不做练习,就不会检讨他们错的地方,然后学会对的方法。到最后,胜利就是他们在考试中考得好的成绩。如果人不坚持工作,他们 就会没办法养自己和家人;如果他们不检讨工作上的错误,就永远都只是当个小职员,没办法升职、没办法领高新水。到最后,胜利就是换来更好的生活给予自己和 家人。

人,做任何事都必须要这六个字,当然是不包括坏事。我们总会买错物品,做错事情,但我们会反省、我们会检讨,以保证我们不会再重蹈复撤。但就是不多 人把这些观念放进重要的理想、梦想。因为他们觉得辛苦,路好难。世界上,没有任何事是简单的…因为我们在这世界上,就是要经历一切,度过全部。只要坚持, 检讨,最后一定会胜利。


Our First Post and Introduction  

Posted by * Living Our 2 Centz *

Good day to all readers of "Living Our 2 Centz". Our blog is just a simple story of life's experience and some fun stuff that is worth sharing with all of you. (Note: Posts will consist of Chinese and English languages)

All comments are welcomed as long as you find our posts meaningful or just plain knowledgeable. We will be keeping you readers posted on the daily/weekly events that we do. At the same time, we do hope to inspire you readers.

That is all for now. A new post will be out soon.
Have a pleasant day ahead!

Cheers! =)